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Lucky Pinball!

Now available at Google Play!

A casino-style 3D Pinball game with emphasis on performance and physics. This game is for the serious pinball players that know how to run with a little bit of luck. With a simple tap the camera can changed from static to moving for setting-up that perfect ramp-shot to the second level!

3 hands of poker are in the field as drop-targets, and the value of completing(dropping) the hand increases with respect to the hand.

There are 2 sets of flippers on the board, with the rear-ones perfectly positioned to strike the poker-hands and the adjacent ramp. Further, all flippers can 'trap' the pinball(s).

A roulette wheel is in the center of the table. And should a ball pass-through '0', a free-ball emerges

The first free-ball is given at 10000 and doubles for each successive ball. And there is no-limit to the number of balls on the table!

At any time during game-play, using buttons the user can easily:
  -Pause/Play game
  -Mute/UnMute sound
  -Toggle camera moving/static
  -Return to main-menu

In the setting-page, the user can change the pinball-speed to increase/decrease the challenge and fun-factor of game-play. However, this can only be done before the game starts (no cheating ;). The volume can also be adjusted to the user's preference(see video).

Lucky Pinball is ad-free, does not look or in any-way access at your private contact-data, phone-data, or any personal data whatsoever. Just pure pinball, well worth a buck. Good luck and 777!

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