No Matches
Vector< T, LENGTH > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Vector< T, LENGTH >, including all inherited members.

getScale()Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
length() constVector< T, LENGTH >inline
mVector< T, LENGTH >
magnitude() constVector< T, LENGTH >inline
normal() constVector< T, LENGTH >inline
normalize()Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator T*()Vector< T, LENGTH >inlineexplicit
operator Vector< U, LENGTH >()Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator!=(const Vector< T, LENGTH > &other) constVector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator%(const Vector< T, LENGTH > &rhs) constVector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator*(const T &scalar) constVector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator*=(T scalar)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator+=(const Vector< T, LENGTH > &other)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator-() constVector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator-=(const Vector< T, LENGTH > &other)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator/=(T scalar)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator=(T array[])Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator=(const Vector< OTHER_T, LENGTH > &other)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator=(const T &scalar)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator==(const Vector< T, LENGTH > &other) constVector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator[](const size_t index)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator[](const size_t index) constVector< T, LENGTH >inline
operator|(const Vector< T, LENGTH > &rhs) constVector< T, LENGTH >inline
print() constVector< T, LENGTH >inline
rotate(T angle, const Vector< T, 3 > &vec)Vector< T, LENGTH >
scale(const Vector< T, LENGTH > &vec)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
set(ARGS...argList)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
set(const Vector< T, LENGTH > &vec)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
size()Vector< T, LENGTH >inlinestatic
squaredLength() constVector< T, LENGTH >inline
translate(const Vector< T, LENGTH > &vec)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
Vector(const Vector< T, LENGTH > &other)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
Vector(const Vector< U, LENGTH > &other)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
Vector(const Vector< T, LENGTH+1 > &other)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
Vector(const Vector< T, LENGTH+2 > &other)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
Vector(const Vector< T, LENGTH - 1 > &other, T last=T(0))Vector< T, LENGTH >inlineexplicit
Vector(const Vector< T, LENGTH - 2 > &other, T lastA=T(0), T lastB=T(0))Vector< T, LENGTH >inlineexplicit
Vector(const T array[])Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
Vector(const Initializer< U > &list)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
Vector(const Initializer< T > &list)Vector< T, LENGTH >inline
Vector()Vector< T, LENGTH >inline