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The Rasterfarm-SDK Is a collection of namespaces, libraries, and engine for creating applications rendering 2D/3D graphics using GPU rasterization. It is a cross-platform SDK, tested on Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS, and Windows platforms with compile-time option for OpenGL-ES3 and Vulkan APIs. The primary platform-code is managed by SDL2 and theoretically work on all platforms that it supports and has been tested using modern compilers such as GCC, Clang, and Visual-C++ using C++17.

To request a commercial-license or non-commercial/educational license please contact suppo.nosp@m.rt@r.nosp@m.aster.nosp@m.farm.nosp@m..com.

Please submit bug-reports and how to reproduce using the provided example apps(if possible) to bugs@.nosp@m.rast.nosp@m.erfar.nosp@m.m.co.nosp@m.m.