Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
►NColor | API for describing the color of material surfaces |
►NFunction | |
CAlphaTest | |
CAlphaToColor | |
CFilter | |
NPixel | API for describing color components that render specified pixels to a material surface |
NContour | API for manipulating contour points |
►NEngine | API for creating Applications and rasterization-engines |
►NRaster | |
CCameraTrackerMulti | |
CGeometric | |
CLight | An object for representing a light-source |
CPolygonalText | |
CReflectionMap | |
CSkeletal | |
CTexturedText | |
►NSchedule | |
CGarbage | |
CTask | |
NShape | |
►NSurface | |
►NRender | |
►NColor | |
NPixel | |
NTexel | |
CBlur | |
CShadowVolume | |
CApplication | This class abstracts-away user callbacks, events, and window-management |
CCirculator | |
CCommandBuffer | |
CGraphicsPipeline | |
CImageMemory | |
CMasterLock | |
CMemory | |
CPrimaryCommandBuffer | |
►CProgram | |
CAttribute | |
CUniform | |
CVarying | |
CRectangle | |
CRenderBuffer | |
CResourceManager | |
CSecondaryCommandBuffer | |
CUniform | |
CUniformBuffer | |
CUniformMemory | |
CUniformSampler | |
CUniformValue | |
CVertexMemory | |
NFunction | API for describing functions that modify the color of a material surface |
►NMesh | API for editing mesh-data for a collections of vertices |
CFace | |
CHalfEdge | |
CTriangle | |
CTriangleMesh | |
NModel | |
►NPixel | |
CFactor | |
CLight | |
CPointLight | |
CSkeletal | |
CUniform | |
CUniformOpacity | |
CVertex | |
NPrimitive2D | API for calculating axis-aligned bounding-boxes, distance, intersections, and closet-points for 2D primitves |
►NPrimitive3D | API for calculating axis-aligned bounding-boxes, distance, intersections, and closet-points for 3D primitves |
CCapsule | |
CSphere | |
►NRaster | API for creating objects, views, and scene-graphs for rasterization |
CCamera | |
CCameraTracker | |
CNode | ADT class for applying transforms in a hereditary and directed graph. Each instantiation of this class is in essence a root-node and forms a parent-child relationship whereby the child inherits the parent's transform |
►NRender | API for describing the renderable components that illustrate how material surfaces will appear |
►NModel | API for describing the location and orientation of material surfaces |
CPosition | |
CProjection | |
CSkeletal | |
►CComponent | |
CAttribute | |
CModelUpdate | |
CModelViewUpdate | |
CNormal | |
CNormalMatrix | |
CNormalVertex | |
CViewUpdate | |
►NSchedule | API for scheduling tasks before of after rendering |
CFrame | |
►NSequence | API for performing a sequence of tasks before of after rendering |
CAnimation | |
►CAnimationBase | |
CAttribute | |
CPosition | |
CRotation | |
CScale | |
CTransform | |
CTranslation | |
►NShape | API for describing shape and structure of Raster::GeometricBase objects |
►CCone | |
CAttribute | |
►CCuboid | |
CAttribute | |
►CDisk | |
CAttribute | |
►CGeometry | |
CAttribute | |
CIcosahedralSphere | |
►CPolygon | |
CAttribute | |
►CPolygonalText | |
CAttribute | |
►CQuad | |
CAttribute | |
CShadowVolume | |
►CSkeletal | |
CBone | |
►CSphere | |
CAttribute | |
►CTexturedText | |
CAttribute | |
►CTriangle | |
CAttribute | |
CUVSphere | |
►CWavefront | |
CAttribute | |
►CWire | |
CAttribute | |
►NSurface | API for describing material-surface of Raster::GeometricBase objects |
►CMaterial | |
CInitializer | |
CShaderCode | |
►NTexel | API for describing color components that render sampled texels to a material surface |
CBlurHorizontal2D | |
CBlurHorizontal2D5 | |
CBlurHorizontal2D9 | |
CNN2D | |
CNormal2D | |
CReflection2D | |
CSampler | |
CShadow2D | |
CTexture | |
CTexture2D | |
CTextureCube | |
►NTree | API for binary-space partitioning of vertex-data |
►CAABoxTree | |
CBranch | |
CLeaf | |
CNode | |
►CAACubeTree | |
CBranch | |
CLeaf | |
CNode | |
►CCubeTree | |
CBranch | |
CLeaf | |
CNode | |
►CQuadTree | |
CBranch | |
CLeaf | |
CNode | |