| ShadowMaterial (Surface::Material *pMaterial) |
virtual | ~ShadowMaterial () |
virtual void | init () |
virtual void | update () |
| Material (Render::Model::Position *pPosition, MaterialManager *pManager) |
| Material (Render::Model::Position *pPosition, MaterialManager *pManager, size_t startElementIndex, size_t indexElementSize) |
virtual | ~Material () |
virtual void | perform () |
bool | isInitialized () |
virtual void | setModelView (const Matrix4f &model, const Matrix4f &view) |
void | setFragmentColor (const Vector4f &color) |
void | addNormal (Render::Normal *pNormal) |
void | addColorSampler (Render::Color::Texel::Sampler *pComponent) |
void | addColorFactor (Render::Color::Pixel::Factor *pComponent) |
void | addColorFilter (Render::Color::Function::Filter *pComponent) |
void | addModelUpdate (Render::ModelUpdate *pModelUpdate) |
void | addViewUpdate (Render::ViewUpdate *pViewUpdate) |
void | addModelViewUpdate (Render::ModelViewUpdate *pModelViewUpdate) |
void | addAttributeBuffer (AttributeLocation location, void *pArray, size_t arrayLength, uint componentSize, BufferType componentType) |
void | updateAttributeBuffer (AttributeLocation location, void *pArray, size_t arrayLength, size_t offset=0) |
Engine::Uniform * | getUniform (UniformBinding binding) |
String | assembleShaderCode (ShaderType type) |
const String & | getShaderGlobalCode (ShaderType type) |
const String & | getShaderMainCode (ShaderType type) |
const String & | getShaderFunctionCode (ShaderType type) |
Render::Model::Position * | getPosition () |
ElementBuffer * | getElementBuffer () |
virtual void | initElements (Shape::Geometry *pGeometry) |
virtual void | updateElements (Shape::Geometry *pGeometry) |
virtual void | submit () |
void | addShaderFunctionCode (ShaderType type, String code) |
| Add a new GLSL function to shader code.
void | addShaderGlobalDefinitionCode (ShaderType type, String code) |
| Add a new GLSL variable or define to shader code.
void | appendShaderMainCode (ShaderType type, String code) |
| Append code to main() function of shader code. Code should be non-dependent on existing code within main.
void | addGlobalsToShaderCode () |
size_t | getStartElementIndex () const |
size_t | getIndexElementSize () const |
void | setIndexElementSize (size_t size) |
template<class C > |
C * | getNormal () |
template<class C > |
List< C * > | getColorSamplerList () |
template<class C > |
List< C * > | getColorFactorList () |
template<class C > |
List< C * > | getColorFilterList () |
template<class C > |
Handle | getColorFilterIndex (C *pObject) |
template<class C > |
Handle | getColorSamplerIndex (C *pObject) |
template<class C > |
Handle | getColorFactorIndex (C *pObject) |
const FactorList & | getColorFactorList () const |
const FilterList & | getColorFilterList () const |
const SamplerList & | getColorSamplerList () const |
ComponentList | getComponents () const |
Raster::GeometricBase * | getObject () const |
void | setObject (Raster::GeometricBase *pObject) |
| Program () |
virtual | ~Program () |
void | update () |
DrawPrimitive | getDrawPrimitive () const |
void | setDrawPrimitive (DrawPrimitive drawPrimitive) |
void | setElementBufferUsage (const DrawUsageHint usage) |
bool | hasUniformBuffer (UniformBinding binding) |
void | addUniformMatrix3f (UniformBinding binding, Matrix3f *pMatrix=nullptr, uint count=1) |
void | addUniformMatrix4f (UniformBinding binding, Matrix4f *pMatrix=nullptr, uint count=1) |
void | setUniformMatrix4f (UniformBinding binding, Matrix4f *pMatrix) |
void | addUniformValue1i (UniformBinding binding, int value) |
void | addUniformSampler2D (UniformBinding binding, Texture *pTexture, TextureType textureType=QUAD_MAP) |
void | addUniformSampler2D (UniformBinding binding, TextureUnit textureUnit, TextureType textureType=QUAD_MAP) |
void | addUniformValue1f (UniformBinding binding, float value) |
void | updateUniformValue1i (UniformBinding binding, int value) |
void | updateUniformValue1f (UniformBinding binding, float value) |
void | addUniformBuffer1i (UniformBinding binding, int *pValue, uint count=1) |
void | addUniformBuffer1f (UniformBinding binding, float *pValue, uint count=1) |
void | addUniformBuffer2f (UniformBinding binding, float *pArray, uint count=1) |
void | addUniformBuffer3f (UniformBinding binding, float *pArray, uint count=1) |
void | addUniformBuffer4f (UniformBinding binding, float *pArray, uint count=1) |
void | setUniformBuffer2f (UniformBinding binding, float *pArray) |
void | setUniformBuffer3f (UniformBinding binding, float *pArray) |
void | setUniformBuffer4f (UniformBinding binding, float *pArray) |
ProgramHandle | getHandle () |
void | create (const HeapArray< Shader * > &pShader) |
void | addGlobalAttribute (const String &typeString, const String &location) |
void | addGlobalUniform (const String &typeString, const String &binding, ShaderType type) |
void | addGlobalSampler (const String &typeString, const String &binding) |
void | addGlobalVarying (const String &typeString, const String &location) |
bool | hasGlobalAttribute (const String &location) |
bool | hasGlobalAttribute (const String &typeString, const String &location) |
bool | hasGlobalUniform (const String &location, ShaderType type) |
bool | hasGlobalVarying (const String &location) |
AttributeLocation | getAttributeLocation (const String &str) |
UniformBinding | getUniformBinding (const String &str) |
ProgramHandle | getProgramHandle () |
bool | hasShader (ShaderType shaderType) |
Shader * | getShader (ShaderType shaderType) |
HeapArray< Shader * > | getShaders () |
bool | getDepthBufferWrite () |
void | enable () |
void | disable () |
bool | hasEnableState (PipelineState state) |
void | addEnableState (PipelineState state) |
void | removeEnableState (PipelineState state) |
void | setStates () |
bool | isTransparent () |
void | setTransparent (bool transparent=true) |
void | setStencilComparisonArgs (CompareOperation stencilTestFunction, int stencilComparisonValue, Handle stencilComparisonMask) |
void | setStencilOperationArgs (StencilOperation stencilOperationFail, StencilOperation stencilOperationDepthFail, StencilOperation stencilOperationDepthPass) |
void | setTriangleVertexOrientation (VertexOrientation orientation) |
void | setDepthTestFunction (CompareOperation function) |
void | setDepthBufferWrite (bool write=true) |
void | setLineWidth (float width) |
void | setBlendFactors (BlendFactor sBlendFactor, BlendFactor dBlendFactor) |
void | setBlend () |
void | bindAttributeBuffers () |
void | submit (ElementBuffer *pElementBuffer) |
void | submitUniforms () |
void | setUniformSampler2D (UniformBinding binding, Texture *pTexture, TextureType textureType) |
void | setUniformValue1i (UniformBinding location, int value) |
void | setUniformValue1f (UniformBinding location, float value) |
void | setUniformBuffer1f (UniformBinding location, float *pBuffer) |
void | updateUniformPointer1i (UniformBinding location, int count, int *pBuffer) |
void | updateUniformPointer1f (UniformBinding location, int count, float *pBuffer) |
void | updateUniformPointer2f (UniformBinding location, int count, float *pBuffer) |
void | updateUniformPointer3f (UniformBinding location, int count, float *pBuffer) |
void | updateUniformPointer4f (UniformBinding location, int count, float *pBuffer) |
void | updateUniformMatrix3f (UniformBinding location, int count, float *pBuffer) |
void | updateUniformMatrix4f (UniformBinding location, int count, float *pBuffer) |
| DynamicType () |
template<class C > |
void | addType () |
TypeID | getDerivedTypeId () const |
template<class C > |
const bool | isType () const |
template<class C > |
const C * | cast () const |
template<class C > |
C * | cast () |
template<class FROM , class TO > |
TO * | cast () |
template<class FROM , class TO > |
const TO * | cast () const |
typedef List< Render::Component * > | ComponentList |
typedef List< Render::ModelUpdate * > | ModelUpdateList |
typedef List< Render::ViewUpdate * > | ViewUpdateList |
typedef List< Render::ModelViewUpdate * > | ModelViewUpdateList |
typedef UnorderedMap< TypeID, Render::Normal * > | NormalMap |
typedef List< Render::Color::Texel::Sampler * > | SamplerList |
typedef List< Render::Color::Pixel::Factor * > | FactorList |
typedef List< Render::Color::Function::Filter * > | FilterList |
enum | Errors { NO_LOCATION = -1
} |
typedef Handle | AttributeLocation |
typedef Handle | VaryingLocation |
typedef Handle | UniformBinding |
typedef UnorderedMap< AttributeLocation, AttributeBuffer * > | LocationAttributeBufferMap |
typedef UnorderedMap< UniformBinding, Uniform * > | BindingUniformMap |
typedef UnorderedMap< AttributeLocation, bool > | AttributeEnabled |
typedef UnorderedMap< String, Handle > | StringLocation |
typedef UnorderedMap< UniformBinding, int > | BindingIntMap |
typedef UnorderedMap< UniformBinding, float > | BindingFloatMap |
typedef UnorderedMap< UniformBinding, int > | BindingIntPointerMap |
typedef UnorderedMap< UniformBinding, float > | BindingFloatPointerMap |
typedef UnorderedMap< UniformBinding, Vector2fArray > | BindingVector2fArrayMap |
typedef UnorderedMap< UniformBinding, Vector3fArray > | BindingVector3fArrayMap |
typedef UnorderedMap< UniformBinding, Vector4fArray > | BindingVector4fArrayMap |
typedef UnorderedMap< UniformBinding, HeapArray< Matrix3f > > | BindingMatrix3fArrayMap |
typedef UnorderedMap< UniformBinding, HeapArray< Matrix4f > > | BindingMatrix4fArrayMap |
typedef UnorderedMap< UniformBinding, UniformDescriptorType > | BindingDescriptorTypeMap |
HeapArray< AttributeLocation > | attributeLocation |
HeapArray< VaryingLocation > | varyingLocation |
StringLocation | attributeHandle |
StringLocation | uniformHandle |
StringLocation | varyingHandle |
AttributeEnabled | attributeEnabled |
static const String | shaderVersionString |
static const String | shaderMainStartString |
static const String | fragmentColorString |
static const String | fragnentShaderHeaderString |
static const String | vertexPositionString |
static const String | texture2DSamplerString |
static const String | textureCubeSamplerString |
static const String | projectionSamplerString |
void | updateComponents () |
UnorderedMap< ShaderType, ShaderCode > | shaderCode |
Raster::GeometricBase * | pObject |
NormalMap | pNormal |
SamplerList | pColorSampler |
FactorList | pColorFactor |
FilterList | pColorFilter |
ModelUpdateList | modelUpdate |
ViewUpdateList | viewUpdate |
ModelViewUpdateList | modelViewUpdate |
size_t | startElementIndex |
size_t | indexElementSize |
ElementBuffer * | pElementBuffer |
Render::Model::Position * | pPosition |
bool | initialized |
MaterialManager * | pManager |
VertexArrayHandle | vao |
UnorderedMap< ShaderType, Shader * > | pShader |
LocationAttributeBufferMap | pAttributeBuffer |
BindingUniformMap | pUniform |
String | vertexShaderCode |
String | vertexShaderMainCode |
String | vertexShaderFunctionCode |
String | vertexShaderGlobalCode |
String | fragmentShaderCode |
String | fragmentShaderMainCode |
String | fragmentShaderFunctionCode |
String | fragmentShaderGlobalCode |
StringUnorderedSet | globalAttributeString |
StringUnorderedSet | vertexVaryingString |
StringUnorderedSet | fragmentVaryingString |
StringUnorderedSet | vertexGlobalUniformString |
StringUnorderedSet | fragmentGlobalUniformString |
StateUnorderedSet | stateEnable |
DrawUsageHint | elementBufferUsage |
ElementBuffer * | pElementBuffer |
bool | transparent |
CullFace | faceCull |
bool | depthBufferWrite |
DrawPrimitive | drawPrimitive |
CompareOperation | depthTestFunction |
CompareOperation | stencilTestFunction |
int | stencilComparisonValue |
Handle | stencilComparisonMask |
StencilOperation | stencilOperationFail |
StencilOperation | stencilOperationDepthFail |
StencilOperation | stencilOperationDepthPass |
VertexOrientation | triangleVertexOrientation |
BlendFactor | sBlendFactor |
BlendFactor | dBlendFactor |
float | lineWidth |
A Material that only renders Geometry