| Skeletal (const Shape::Skeletal::Attribute &attribute) |
| GeometricBase (Shape::Geometry *pGeometry) |
| operator Shape::Geometry * () const |
virtual | ~GeometricBase () |
virtual void | initialize (Scene *pScene, bool addObjectToScene) |
void | addScene (Scene *pScene) |
void | removeScene (Scene *pScene) |
const Application::SceneList & | getScene () |
const Surface::MaterialList & | getMaterialList () |
bool | hasTransparency () |
bool | hasMaterial (Surface::Material *pMaterial) |
virtual void | addMaterial (Surface::Material *pMaterial) |
template<class C > |
C * | getMaterial () |
void | removeMaterial (Surface::Material *pMaterial) |
Shape::Geometry * | getGeometry () const |
virtual Primitive3D::AABoundingBox | getAABoundingBox () const |
float | getBoundingRadius () const |
| Skeletal (const Attribute &attribute) |
virtual void | clear () |
virtual void | flagDirty () |
virtual Primitive3D::TriangleArray | createTriangles (const Matrix4f &mat=Matrix4f::identity) |
virtual float | getBoundingRadius (const Matrix3f &matrix=Matrix3f::identity) |
virtual Primitive3D::AABoundingBox | getAABoundingBox (const Matrix4f &matrix=Matrix4f::identity) |
Matrix4f | getBlendedJoint (Mesh::VertexIndex index) |
BoneArray | createBones (bool jointTranslated, const Matrix4f &mat=Matrix4f::identity) |
bool | areBonesUpdated () |
const BoneArray & | getBone () |
void | associateBones (Mesh::TriangleIndex iT, const BoneIndexList &list) |
Primitive3D::TriangleArray | createTrianglesForBone (uint index, const Matrix4f &mat=Matrix4f::identity) |
void | setJoint (const HeapArray< Matrix4f > &mat) |
const Vector4iArray & | getBlendIndexArray () |
const Vector4fArray & | getBlendWeightArray () |
Mesh::TriangleIndexSet | getTrianglesForBone (uint index) |
Mesh::VertexIndexSet | getVerticesForBone (uint index) |
Mesh::FaceIndexSet | getFacesForBone (uint index) |
HeapArray< Matrix4f > & | getJoint () |
| Geometry (const TriangleMesh &mesh, const Attribute &attribute) |
| Geometry (const Attribute &attribute) |
void | operator+= (const TriangleMesh &other) |
virtual | ~Geometry () |
virtual Vertex3fArray | createVertexArray () |
virtual Mesh::VertexIndexArray | createIndexArray () |
virtual Vector3fArray | createNormalArray () |
void | update () |
const Attribute & | getAttribute () const |
DrawPrimitive | getDrawPrimitive () |
void | setDrawPrimitive (DrawPrimitive drawPrimitive) |
String | verticesToCArray () |
String | indicesToCArray () |
Primitive3D::Capsule | createCapsule (const Matrix4f &mat=Matrix4f::identity) |
Vertex3f | getFaceNormal (Mesh::FaceIndex index) |
Vertex3f | getFaceCentroid (Mesh::FaceIndex index) |
void | transformFaces (const Matrix4f &mat) |
void | rotateFaces (float angle, const Vector3f &vec) |
void | translateFaces (const Vector3f &vec) |
void | scaleFaces (float scale) |
void | scaleFaces (const Vector3f &vec) |
void | clampMaxFaces (const Vector3f &vec) |
void | clampMinFaces (const Vector3f &vec) |
void | transformFace (const Matrix4f &mat, Mesh::FaceIndex iFace) |
void | rotateFace (float angle, const Vector3f &vec, Mesh::FaceIndex iFace) |
void | translateFace (const Vector3f &vec, Mesh::FaceIndex iFace) |
void | scaleFace (float scale, Mesh::FaceIndex iFace) |
void | scaleFace (const Vector3f &vec, Mesh::FaceIndex iFace) |
void | clampMaxFace (const Vector3f &vec, Mesh::FaceIndex iFace) |
void | clampMinFace (const Vector3f &vec, Mesh::FaceIndex iFace) |
const Vertex3f & | getVertex (uint index) const |
Primitive3D::Triangle | getPrimitiveTriangle (uint index) const |
void | setBoundingRadius (float radius) |
bool | isAABoundingBoxUpdated () |
void | normalize () |
void | extrudeAndVolumizeFace (Mesh::FaceIndex index, float distance) |
| TriangleMesh () |
| TriangleMesh (const Vertex3fArray &vertex) |
| TriangleMesh (const TriangleMesh &other) |
void | operator+= (const TriangleMesh &other) |
| ~TriangleMesh () |
void | clear () |
VertexIndex | addVertex (const Vertex3f &vertex) |
VertexIndexArray | addVertexArray (const Vertex3fArray &array) |
VertexIndexSet | getFaceVertexIndices (const FaceIndex fI) const |
VertexIndexSet | getFaceVertexIndices (const Face &face) const |
VertexIndexArray | getFaceContour (FaceIndex fI) const |
FaceIndex | findFace (const VertexIndexArray &array) const |
Vertex3f | getFaceNormal (const Face &face) const |
Vertex3f | getFaceNormal (FaceIndex fI) const |
TriangleIndex | findTriangle (const Triangle &triangle) const |
bool | hasTriangle (VertexIndex vA, VertexIndex vB, VertexIndex vC) const |
TriangleIndex | addTriangle (VertexIndex iA, VertexIndex iB, VertexIndex iC, FaceIndex iF) |
TriangleIndex | addTriangle (const Triangle &t, FaceIndex iF) |
TriangleIndex | addTriangle (const Triangle &triangle) |
FaceIndexArray | findFaces (const Triangle &triangle) |
void | removeTriangle (TriangleIndex index) |
HalfEdgeIndex | addHalfEdge (const HalfEdge &halfEdge) |
void | removeHalfEdge (const HalfEdgeIndex halfEdgeIndex) |
const HalfEdgeArray & | getHalfEdge () const |
const TriangleArray & | getTriangle () const |
const FaceArray & | getFace () const |
Face & | getFace (uint index) |
Vertex3fArray | createContour (const FaceIndex fI) const |
HalfEdgeArray | getFaceHalfEdges (const FaceIndex fI) const |
HalfEdgeIndexArray | getFaceHalfEdgeIndices (const FaceIndex fI) const |
const HalfEdge & | getHalfEdge (const VertexIndex a, const VertexIndex b) const |
HalfEdgeIndex | getHalfEdgeIndex (const VertexIndex a, const VertexIndex b) const |
const HalfEdgeIndexTable & | getHalfEdgeIndexTable () const |
bool | isHalfEdge (const VertexIndex a, const VertexIndex b) const |
bool | isHalfEdge (HalfEdgeIndex index) const |
bool | isFullEdge (const VertexIndex a, const VertexIndex b) const |
bool | isFullEdge (HalfEdgeIndex index) const |
FaceIndex | addFace (const Face &face=Face()) |
void | removeFace (FaceIndex faceIndex) |
VertexIndexArray | shortestPath (Mesh::VertexIndex startVertexIndex, Mesh::VertexIndex endVertexIndex) |
Primitive3D::Triangle | createPrimitveTriangle (const Triangle &triangle) const |
Primitive3D::Triangle | createPrimitveTriangle (const TriangleIndex index) const |
Primitive3D::Segment | createPrimitveSegment (const HalfEdge &he) const |
Primitive3D::Segment | createPrimitveSegment (const HalfEdgeIndex index) const |
| CubeTree () |
| CubeTree (const Vertex3fArray &vertex) |
| CubeTree (const CubeTree &) |
virtual | ~CubeTree () |
bool | hasDuplicates () |
| operator const Branch & () const |
| operator const Branch * () const |
| operator HeapArray< Leaf * > () |
bool | operator() (const Vertex3f &vA, const Vertex3f &vB) const |
Leaf * | nearest (const Vertex3f &vertex) |
Leaf * | find (const Vertex3f &vertex, float precision=0.0f) const |
void | erase (Leaf *pLeaf) |
void | update (Handle index, const Vertex3f &vertex) |
void | update () |
Handle | insert (const Vertex3f &vertex) |
HeapArray< Handle > | insert (const Vector3fArray &list) |
template<typename INDICES > |
Vector3fArray | getVertices (const INDICES &c) const |
Vector3fArray | getVertices (bool unique=false) const |
HeapArray< Leaf * > | getLeaves () const |
const Leaf & | operator[] (Handle index) const |
Handle | operator[] (const Vertex3f &v) const |
const Vertex3f & | back () const |
const Vertex3f & | front () const |
HeapArray< Leaf * >::iterator | begin () |
HeapArray< Leaf * >::iterator | end () |
HeapArray< Leaf * >::const_iterator | begin () const |
HeapArray< Leaf * >::const_iterator | end () const |
size_t | size () const |
void | clear () |
| DynamicType () |
template<class C > |
void | addType () |
TypeID | getDerivedTypeId () const |
template<class C > |
const bool | isType () const |
template<class C > |
const C * | cast () const |
template<class C > |
C * | cast () |
template<class FROM , class TO > |
TO * | cast () |
template<class FROM , class TO > |
const TO * | cast () const |