Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- o -
- ObjectCallbackMap : Physical
- objectsBoundingBox : ShadowMap
- OBTUSE : Triangle
- Octant : AABoundingBox
- offset : IQMFactory::VertexArray, Shape::Quad::Attribute
- ofs_adjacency : IQMFactory::Header
- ofs_anims : IQMFactory::Header
- ofs_bounds : IQMFactory::Header
- ofs_comment : IQMFactory::Header
- ofs_data : IQMFactory::Extension
- ofs_extensions : IQMFactory::Extension, IQMFactory::Header
- ofs_frames : IQMFactory::Header
- ofs_joints : IQMFactory::Header
- ofs_meshes : IQMFactory::Header
- ofs_poses : IQMFactory::Header
- ofs_text : IQMFactory::Header
- ofs_triangles : IQMFactory::Header
- ofs_vertexarrays : IQMFactory::Header
- openRestricted() : DRMApplication
- operator AABoundingBox() : Primitive3D::Capsule, Primitive3D::Sphere
- operator Branch &() : Tree::AABoxTree, Tree::AACubeTree
- operator Branch *() : Tree::AABoxTree, Tree::AACubeTree
- operator const Branch &() : Tree::CubeTree, Tree::QuadTree
- operator const Branch *() : Tree::CubeTree, Tree::QuadTree
- operator HeapArray< Leaf * >() : Tree::AABoxTree, Tree::AACubeTree, Tree::CubeTree, Tree::QuadTree
- operator Primitive2D::Capsule() : Primitive3D::Capsule
- operator Primitive2D::Circle() : Disk, Primitive3D::Sphere
- operator Primitive2D::Polygon() : Polygon
- operator Primitive2D::Ray() : Ray
- operator Primitive2D::Segment() : Segment
- operator Primitive2D::Triangle() : Triangle
- operator Shape::Geometry *() : GeometricBase
- operator T*() : Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator Vector2f() : Segment
- operator Vector3f() : Segment
- operator Vector< U, LENGTH >() : Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator Vertex2fArray() : Triangle
- operator Vertex3fArray() : Triangle
- operator VkCommandBuffer() : Engine::CommandBuffer
- operator VkCommandBuffer *() : Engine::CommandBuffer
- operator!=() : AABoundingBox, Matrix< T, ROWS, COLS >, Primitive3D::Sphere, Segment, Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator%() : Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator()() : Capsule, Primitive3D::Capsule, Ray, Scene::SortOpaqueObjects, Scene::SortTransparentObjects, Tree::CubeTree, Tree::QuadTree
- operator*() : Quaternion< T >, Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator*=() : Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator+() : Engine::Circulator< C >
- operator++() : Engine::Circulator< C >, Texture
- operator+=() : AABoundingBox, Engine::Circulator< C >, Mesh::TriangleMesh, Shape::Geometry, Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator-() : Engine::Circulator< C >, Ray, Segment, Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator--() : Engine::Circulator< C >, Texture
- operator-=() : Engine::Circulator< C >, Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator/=() : Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator<() : Primitive3D::Capsule
- operator=() : AABoundingBox, Engine::Application, Engine::Circulator< C >, Matrix< T, ROWS, COLS >, Mesh::HalfEdge, Shape::Skeletal::Bone, Tree::AABoxTree, Tree::AACubeTree, Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator==() : AABoundingBox, Matrix< T, ROWS, COLS >, Mesh::HalfEdge, Mesh::Triangle, Primitive3D::Sphere, Segment, Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator[]() : Matrix< T, ROWS, COLS >, Mesh::HalfEdge, Mesh::Triangle, Segment, Tree::AABoxTree, Tree::AACubeTree, Tree::CubeTree, Tree::QuadTree, Triangle, Vector< T, LENGTH >
- operator|() : Vector< T, LENGTH >
- orient() : Polygon
- orientation : Shape::Sphere::Attribute
- origin : Circle, Disk, Primitive3D::Sphere, Ray
- Ortho() : Ortho
- OUT : Engine::Program
- outerTessellationLevel : BezierQuadratic